Leadership accountability and company performance
Our research reveals a strong correlation between leadership accountability and company performance.
Accountable leadership differentiates.
Accountable leadership is a key differentiator in strong business performance vs average or low performance.
Simply put, organizations with effective, accountable leaders tend to thrive, while organizations with mediocre leaders tend to struggle.
Most people understand this. And yet, we still have so many mediocre leaders in our organizations.
leadership accountability
company performance
Explore the link between accountability and performance.
When we dug deeper into our research, we began to see a strong correlation between leadership accountability and company performance.
Industry-leading companies were twice as likely to have a culture of leadership accountability as lower-performing competitors.
Click the button below to read our infographic that dives deeper on this research.

Take action
Our ebook Leadership Develpment Is Failing CEOs – Here’s What To Do About It shares practical strategies to ensuring your organization’s leadership development initiatives drive greater business impact.
If you need help, contact us. We have deep expertise and a track record of success in helping senior leaders across different industries build and scale strong leadership accountability in their organizations