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The top 5 characteristics of mediocre leaders

Mediocre leadership has a devastating effect on a company’s performance.

Mediocre leadership has become all too commonplace.

It’s not hard to see why mediocre leaders are tolerated. When faced with more urgent challenges, it is easy to ignore leaders who are performing somewhere in the middle of their KPIs.

But it’s that failure to address mediocre leadership that makes this a deep-impact issue.

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of organizations admit to not doing anything to support leaders who are struggling in their roles

There are five emblematic characteristics of mediocre leaders.

Mediocre leaders are people who, all too often, occupy leadership positions but do not consistently display strong leadership qualities. The graph on the right breaks down what mediocrity in leadership can look like.

  1. Quick to blame others for setbacks
  2. Selfish and only interested in how things affect them
  3. Uncivil and cruel
  4. Unaware of their incompetence
  5. Lack initiative

All leaders need to aspire to be more and better, all the time. Mediocrity breeds mediocrity. Accountability breeds accountability. Which do you want to ripple through your organization?

Click the button below to read our infographic that dives deeper on this research.

Take action

Use the graph above to identify and call out mediocre behavior. In parallel, strengthen your commitment to accountability. Download our poster for 24 Essential Strategies To Excel As An Accountable Leader and keep it somewhere you can reference on a regular basis.  

If you need help, contact us. We have deep expertise and a track record of success in helping senior leaders across different industries build and scale strong leadership accountability in their organizations.

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